Participating Organizations

International Universities

International Universities

  • Professor
    Sergio Alvarez Board of Director

    Sergio is a natural resource economist researching how natural resources and the environment contribute to human well-being through the provision of ecosystem services such as food, recreation, and protection from natural and man-made hazards. He holds a BA in Environmental Sciences, and MS and PhD degrees in Food and Resource Economics, all from the University of Florida. Sergio has published articles on a range of topics including the economics of marine resources, the costs and management of biological invasions, and the value of ecosystem services such as clean water and outdoor recreation. Sergio has experience with econometrics, statistics, optimization, and survey research.
    Between 2013 and 2018, Sergio served as the Chief Economist at the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, where he gained practical experience in state government and policy analysis. Sergio joined the faculty at the University of Central Florida in 2018.

  • Professor
    Stuart John Barnes Board of Director

    Professor Stuart J. Barnes is a Chair in Marketing at Newcastle University Business School. He joined Newcastle University in October 2021 from King's College London, where he worked for six years, having held chair positions at other universities since 2005. He gained a first-class BSc Hons. in Economics from University College London and a PhD from Manchester Business School. A polymath, Stuart is opposed to disciplinary silos and enjoys working across a number of academic disciplines, particularly those that combine marketing, technology, analytics, and/or sustainability. At King's College, he was the founder and director of the Consumer and Organisational Digital Analytics research centre, focusing on innovative methods and technology to provide novel solutions to business and sustainability problems. He has worked overseas, including in New Zealand for three years, and with visiting positions held in countries such as Australia, Denmark, Chile, Brazil, the US, China and Germany. Most recently he held a visiting position at the University of New South Wales for three years. Professor Barnes is a Fellow of the Royal Society of the Arts and the Royal Statistical Society. Stuart is rated in the top-100 Business & Management researchers according to (61st in the UK and and 400th in the world: According to Stanford University, he is ranked in the top 2% of scientists in the world, across all subjects ( in the top 0.27% of all scientists in all subjects for his career and 0.06% of all scientists for 2023.

  • Professor
    Erik Brynjolfsson Board of Director

    Dr. Erik Brynjolfsson is the Jerry Yang and Akiko Yamazaki Professor and Senior Fellow at the Stanford Institute for Human-Centered AI (HAI), and Director of the Stanford Digital Economy Lab. He is the Ralph Landau Senior Fellow at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR) and holds appointments at the Stanford Graduate School of Business, Stanford Department of Economics, and a Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER).

    One of the most-cited authors on the economics of information, Brynjolfsson was among the first researchers to measure productivity contributions of IT and the complementary role of organizational capital and other intangibles. He has done pioneering research on digital commerce, the Long Tail, bundling and pricing models, intangible assets and the effects of IT on business strategy, productivity and performance.

    Brynjolfsson speaks globally and is the author of nine books including, with co-author Andrew McAfee, best-seller The Second Machine Age: Work, Progress and Prosperity in a Time of Brilliant Technologies, and Machine, Platform, Crowd: Harnessing Our Digital Future as well as over 100 academic articles and five patents. He holds Bachelors and Masters degrees from Harvard University in applied mathematics and decision sciences and a Ph.D. from MIT in managerial economics.

  • Professor
    Cihan Cobanoglu Board of Director
    • Other Professional Role

      University of South Florida

    • Regions

      United States

    • Major

      Advanced technology/tourism

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    Cihan Cobanoglu is the dean of the School of Hospitality and Tourism Management. He holds the McKibbon Endowed Chair Professor of the School of Hospitality and Tourism Management at USF's Muma College of Business in Sarasota-Manatee. He also serves as the director of the M3 Center for Hospitality Technology and Innovation and is the coordinator of international programs for the college. Additionally, Cobanoglu is the director of international partnerships for the college, responsible for coordinating global affairs.

    Cobanoglu is a renowned hospitality and tourism technology expert and a Fulbright specialist. He is a Certified Hospitality Technology Professional and is editor of the Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Technology , the Journal of Global Business Insights; is associate editor of Tourism Review and a co-author of six books and 10 conference proceedings. He serves as president of the Association of North America Higher Education International. He is a board member of Hospitality Technology magazine and an editorial board member of Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, among many others.

    His research involves the use and impact of technology in the hospitality industry. His work has been featured in national and international media outlets such as BBC, NBC, ABC, and Futurist magazine, The New York Times, the Boston Globe and Lodging magazine. His work has been published in scholarly journals such as Tourism Management, The Service Industries Journal, Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, and many others. His articles have been cited more than 4,000 times, and he has made numerous presentations at national and international conferences. He received the “Excellence in Research -- Tenured” award from USF in 2016. He received 14 best paper awards from international conferences.

    Cobanoglu earned a PhD and master's degree from Oklahoma State University and an undergraduate degree from Cukurova University in Turkey.

  • Professor
    Alan Fyall Board of Director
    • Other Professional Role

      University of Central Florida

    • Regions

      United States

    • Major

      Destination marketing

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    Dr. Alan Fyall is Associate Dean Academic Affairs and Visit Orlando Endowed Chair of Tourism Marketing at the Rosen College of Hospitality Management, University of Central Florida. Alan serves on the Advisory Board of TravelAbility, an organization dedicated to providing thought leadership in accessible travel, is Founding Editor of the Journal of Destination Marketing & Management (IF: 8.4), an elected Fellow of the International Academy for the Study of Tourism, where he currently serves as Second-Vice-President, and is a former Board Member of the Bournemouth Tourism Management Board (DMO).
    Alan has conducted many tourism destination development and management projects for clients in the UK, European Union, Africa, the Caribbean, USA, and Southeast Asia. Clients include the ESRC (UK), Grant Thornton, Ernst & Young, the Commonwealth Secretariat, the Malaysian Government, the Supreme Commission for Tourism and Antiquities (Saudi Arabia), World Travel & Tourism Council and The Ocean Panel. Alan’s current research interests relate to tourism sustainability and resilience with a specific focus on inclusive and accessible destination development and the impacts of tourism and events on resident communities. Alan recently served as one of the lead authors of The Ocean Panel publication “Opportunities for Transforming Coastal and Marine Tourism: Towards Sustainability, Regeneration and Resilience”.
    His books include Marketing for Tourism & Hospitality: Collaboration, Technology and Experiences (Abingdon, Routledge), Tourism Principles & Practice (Sixth Edition) (Harlow, Pearson Education) and Tourism Marketing: A Collaborative Approach (Clevedon, Channel View Publications). Alan also sits on the editorial boards of many leading journals while he has supervised over 30 Ph.D. students through to completion (12 as Chair) and served as external examiner for over 40 Ph.D. dissertations in the UK, India, France, South Africa, Australia, Hong Kong, Malaysia and New Zealand.

  • Professor
    Ben Goh Board of Director
    • Other Professional Role

      Macau University of Science and Technology

    • Regions


    • Major

      Sustainable tourism

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    Dr. Ben K. Goh is the Dean and full professor of Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism Management at MUST. He has been teaching in the field of Hospitality and tourism Management for over 30 years. Dr. Goh was appointed to several administrative roles during his career at both Texas Tech and Oklahoma State University. He had served as Associate Dean in the College of Human Sciences and Director of the School of Hospitality and Tourism Management at Oklahoma State University. He maintained close contact with industry professionals and had served as Board Member on both the Lodging and Restaurant Associations in Texas and Oklahoma. Dr. Goh has also served as reviewer for various hospitality research journals, and has consulted with numerous companies in the U.S. and Asia. Dr. Goh received a Fulbright Scholar award in 2012 and he is one of the founding board members of the Hospitality Educator Association of Texas.

  • Professor
    Michael Hall CI

    2022.1.1-“It Looks Grim: the Future of Māori Academics in New Zealand Universities”, by Royal Society of New Zealand,

    Michael is currently a Professor in the Department of Management, Marketing and Tourism at the University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, joining the department at the start of 2007. He is also currently Visiting Professor and Docent in Geography, University of Oulu, Finland; a Visiting Professor in the tourism program, Department of Marketing and Tourism, School of Business and Economics, Linneaus University, Kalmar, Sweden; Guest Professor in the Department of Service Studies at Lund University Helsingborg campus; and an Adjunct Professor at Taylor's University, Malaysia. He is also a frequent visitor to the geography department at Umeå University. Prior positions in Australia, New Zealand and elsewhere include Professor in Tourism at the University of Otago where he was also head of department for six years; Professor of Tourism and Service Management at Victoria University of Wellington; Visiting Professor at Sheffield Hallam University, UK; Centre for Tourism Studies, University of Eastern Finland; and Honorary Professor in the Department of Marketing, Stirling University, Scotland. As well as positions of head of department or programme at various universities he has also twice held the position of faculty or school research director.

    His doctorate is in geography from the University of Western Australia with a thesis on wilderness in Australia, from which he also received an honours degree in politics with a thesis on water resource management in the Peel Inlet. His masters is from the faculty of environmental studies at the University of Waterloo, Canada, in geography/resource management with a thesis on hydroelectricity and wilderness policy in Tasmania. He has honorary doctorates from the Universities of Umeå in Sweden (2008), Oulu in Finland (2012) and Lund University, Sweden (2016) and in 2024 became a member of the urban tourism research hall of fame of the International Tourism Studies Association and the International Journal of Tourism Cities. He is a member of numerous editorial board and, most notably, is Co-Editor of Current Issues in Tourism and Field Editor of Frontiers in Sustainable Tourism. According to Google Scholar analysis for the category of tourism he is currently the most cited scholar in the subject area and is also highly cited in geography, regional development, sustainability and global environmental change, while the Elsevier science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators also rank him as the most cited scholar in the sports, leisure, tourism field and among the top 1500 most cited scholars in the world. In 2009 he was named the Elsevier ScienceDirect ‘For Great Thinking’, Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences category winner.

  • Professor
    Yan Arthur Huang Board of Director
    • Other Professional Role

      University of Central Florida

    • Regions

      United States

    • Major

      Big Data Analytics in Travel and Tourism Smart Cities

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    "Dr. Arthur Huang has an interdisciplinary background in engineering and tourism research. He is affiliated with both Rosen College of Hospitality Management and College of Engineering and Computer Science working on smart cities and smart tourism. He has B.S. in Mechanics and Automation, M.S. degrees in Urban Planning and Computer Engineering, and a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering focusing on transportation systems. His research interests include spatial modeling and visualization of infrastructure systems, dynamic and data-driven modeling of destination planning and management, and sustainability. His dissertation work “Accessibility, network structure, and shopping destination choice: A microscopic analysis of in-vehicle GPS travel data in the Twin Cities” won the 2012 North-Central Section Institute of Transportation Engineers Best Paper Award and the 2012 ITS MN Best Paper Award.
    Prior to joining UCF, Dr. Huang has worked as an Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering at Texas A&M University-Stephenville and a Research Associate at the University of Minnesota, Duluth. Dr. Huang has completed some funded research, focusing on topics such as social media data and urban travel analytics, how business clusters shape consumers’ destination choice, and consumers’ travel behavior and retail geography. Dr. Huang has both industry experience as a research analyst at the Center for Clean Air Policy and teaching experiences that deal with transportation planning and computer-aided system design. Dr. Huang has developed his software that integrated his research findings on destination planning and management, such as ANGIE (Agent-based Network Growth model with Incremental Evolution) and CLUSTER (Clustered Locations of Urban Services, Transportation, and Economic Resources).
    Dr. Huang has delivered invited talks at MIT Sensable City Lab, City College of New York, University of Arizona, Northeastern University, State University of New York at Buffalo, and Michigan Technological University."

  • Professor
    Stanislav Ivanov Board of Director

    Dr. Stanislav Ivanov is a Professor at Varna University of Management, Bulgaria (, and Director of Zangador Research Institute, Bulgaria ( He is the Founder and (Co-)Editor-in-chief of two academic journals: European Journal of Tourism Research (, indexed in Scopus and Webs of Science, and ROBONOMICS: The Journal of the Automated Economy ( He has (co-)authored over 240 publications in the fields of robonomics, robots/artificial intelligence/automation in tourism/hospitality, the economics of technology, tourism economics, etc. For more information about Prof. Ivanov please visit his personal website:

  • Professor
    Jinwon Kim Board of Director

    Jinwon Kim, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor and Interim Graduate Coordinator in the Department of Tourism, Hospitality, and Event Management at the University of Florida. He is a Director of the UF Community Spatial Lab. The overall goal of his research is to identify the role of recreation, park and tourism in the creation of an active, vibrant, healthy, sustainable and resilient community. To achieve his research goal, Dr. Kim’s research has focused on three areas: (1) community development, policy and sustainability; (2) tourism geographies; (3) applications of geographic information system (GIS) and spatial technologies (GPS, RS, LiDAR, RS) in tourism/recreation planning, development and management.

    Dr. Kim is especially interested in applying geospatial concepts and methodologies to problems that tourism and recreation managers face in their everyday decision-making. His work has appeared in many top-tier tourism, leisure, recreation, sport, health, community, geography, environmental planning, and business journals including Annals of Tourism Research, Tourism Management, Journal of Travel Research, Journal of Business Research, Leisure Sciences, Journal of Leisure Research, Journal of Sport Management, Sport Management Review, Journal of Physical Activity and Health, The Professional Geographer, City & Community, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, and Journal of Public Policy & Marketing. With a productive publication record, Dr. Kim was appointed as an Editorial Board Member for Tourism Economics, Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, and Journal of Park and Recreation Administration.

    Dr. Kim has received many prestigious awards. He is a recipient of five “Best Paper” awards: one at the 2021 International Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education (ICHRIE) Conference; one at the 2021 Southern Regional Science Association (SRSA) Conference; one at the 2017 Asia Pacific Tourism Association (APTA) Conference; one at the 2017 Korea American Hospitality & Tourism Educators Association (KAHTEA) Conference; one at the 2010 Tourism Sciences Society of Korea (TOSOK) Conference. In 2021-2024, Dr. Kim also received the University of Florida Term Professorship Academic Achievement Award as a recognition of research productivity, specifically, publications, extramural funding, and national and international presentations.

    Dr. Kim has been awarded more than $700,000 in research grants from prestigious agencies and organizations, including the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), North America Society for Sport Management (NASSM), The Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ocean Observing System (GCOOS), National Research Foundation of Korea, Korea Geographical Society (KGS), Korea Energy Economics Institute (KEEI) and Korea National Park Service (KNPS).

  • Professor
    Jinok Susanna Kim Board of Director
    • Other Professional Role

      Macau University of Science and Technology

    • Regions


    • Major

      Hotel Business Management

  • Professor
    Phillip Metzger CI
    • Other Professional Role

      University of Central Florida

    • Regions

      United States

    • Major

      Rocket blast effects for human-class missions

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    1. 2023.5.1 – Consultant on “Infrastructure Manufacturing with Lunar Regolith – Mason” funded by NASA, contract total US $12.9 million over 1 year. Developing technology to build infrastructure on the lunar surface.

    2. 2019.10.15 – Co-Investigator for “Center for Lunar and Asteroid Surface Science (CLASS)” funded by NASA’s Solar System Exploration and Research Institute (SSERVI), contract total US $6.87 million over 6 years. Supporting NASA with scientific research to support lunar and asteroid exploration.

    3. 2024.9.24 – Co-Investigator for “Minimizing Volatile Sublimation During Excavation, Phase 2” funded by NASA Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR), total contract US $850,000 over 2 years. Developing technology to mine water ice at the poles of the Moon.

    4. 2025.1.3 – Co-Investigator for “Refuse-to-Get-Stuck Rovers, Phase 2” funded by NASA Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR), total contract US $850,000 over 2 years. Developing lunar rover technology that will ensure lunar rovers do not get stuck in the soil but instead compact the soil as they drive.

    5. 2024.5.30 – Consultant for “EjectaBLAST Operational Tether Tests” funded by NASA Flight Opportunities Program, subcontract amount US $50,000 for 1 year. Performing flight tests of an instrument designed to fly on lunar landers to measure the blowing of soil by the rocket exhaust.

    6. 2025.4.30 – Consultant for “Tethered Lander Ejecta Backscatter Flight Tests” funded by the Florida High Tech Corridor Council, total contract amount $50,000 for 1 year. Matching state funds to support development of a lunar lander instrument.

    7. 2026.05.31 – Co-Investigator for “Communications & Space Debris: Connecting with Public Knowledge and Identities” funded by NASA, total contract $102,000. Studying the public’s awareness of and attitudes toward the problem of orbital debris.

    "Dr. Metzger received his B.S.E. in electrical engineering from Auburn University and a PhD in Physics from UCF. He has been research faculty at UCF since 2016 and is currently the director of the Stephen W. Hawking Center for Microgravity Research and Education.
    While at NASA he led the Agency’s work in rocket blast effects for human-class missions. He participated in architecture studies for the Lunar Architecture Team, the Mars Architecture Team and the Lunar Exploration Analysis Group, and he helped develop NASA’s technology roadmap for planetary surface technologies. He has also led projects to develop extraterrestrial excavators, regolith conveyance technologies, dust-tolerant quick disconnects, lunar/martian landing pads, and other surface systems technology. He co-founded NASA’s biannual Workshop on Granular Materials in Lunar and Martian Exploration and is a founding member of the ASCE Technical Committee for Regolith Operations, Mobility and Robotics. He was selected as Kennedy Space Center NASA Scientist/Engineer of the Year for 2011. He received the astronaut’s Silver Snoopy award in 2011 and NASA’s Silver Achievement Medal in 2014. He was selected by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) aerospace division for the Outstanding Technical Contribution Award of 2016. He became a NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) Fellow in 2019."

  • Professor
    Hossein Olya Board of Director

    Professor Hossein Olya is chair and Head of Marketing at Sheffield University Management School. He is a pioneering researcher in the field of space tourism, having identified the key motivations and risks that influence decision-making for undertaking space travel. His work also identified and examined the pull-push-mooring factors that influence the avoidance intentions of potential space travelers. Additionally, he conducted a hybrid review to develop a theoretical framework that elucidates the psychological mechanisms underpinning space travelers' behaviors. He currently serves as an Associate Editor for the International Journal of Consumer Studies.

  • Professor
    James F Petrick Board of Director
    • Other Professional Role

      Texas A&M University

    • Regions

      United States

    • Major

      Tourist behavior

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    Jim’s research focuses on applying marketing and psychology principles in the context of tourism services. His research has been concentrated on understanding tourists’ purchase behaviors, to assist in properly marketing to them as well as the physiological effects travel has on the tourist. His Tourism Marketing Lab currently consists of 12 students (7 Ph.D. and 5 M.S.) and is likely the largest and most productive of its type in North America.

    In the past twenty years he and his Tourism Marketing Lab have been awarded over $3.0 million in research grants. Recent research projects which they have conducted include: a strategic marketing plan for the National Park Service, benefits of travel research for the U.S. Travel Association, national visitor studies for the US Department of Agriculture, multiple accountability and advertising effectiveness studies, tourism website evaluations for 22 states and 18 cities; visitor/non-visitor studies for more than 25 cities and 9 national cruise ship passenger studies including six panel studies.

    Studies conducted in 2014 and 2011 identified Jim as the 2nd most prolific tourism researcher in the world (#1 in U.S., and #1 tourism marketing researcher). He currently has more than 125 peer reviewed journal articles and has been recognized for both his research and teaching abilities via multiple awards.

    Jim is currently the Co-Editor of the Journal of Travel Research and has also served on the Board of Director’s for tourism entities Internationally (Travel and Tourism Research Association), at the State Level (Texas Travel Industry Association), and at the city level (Bryan/College Station Convention and Visitor’s Bureau).

    He has presented his research at numerous national & international conferences and has been a Keynote Speaker in more than 10 countries. Prior to his work at Texas A&M he spent six years working onboard cruise ships for both Norwegian Cruise Line and Royal Viking Line, working in positions from Youth Coordinator to Cruise Director.

  • Professor
    Pornpisanu Promsivapallop Board of Director
  • Professor
    Neethiahnanthan Ari Ragavan Board of Director

    Prof. Dr. Neethiahnanthan Ari Ragavan, has 30 years of academic experience and holds a doctorate degree from France.

    He is highly involved in hospitality and tourism education and Research in Malaysia and the south East Asian region. He is presently the President of ASEAN Tourism Research Association (ATRA) and has been active in various International Boards.

    His areas of research include Tourism Policy, Hospitality Development & Innovation and Higher Education System & Models.

    Presently, he is the Executive Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences and Leisure Management, Taylor’s University overseeing 5 Schools and 1 Institute, one of the schools is currently ranked Top 20 in the world by QS World University Rankings by Subject which is the School of Hospitality, Tourism & Events and it is internationally benchmarked by the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) TedQual certification.

  • Professor
    Siamak Seyfi Board of Director

    Siamak Seyfi is an Assistant Professor (tenure track) in Tourism Geography at the Geography Research Unit of the University of Oulu, Finland. He obtained his PhD in Tourism Geography from Pantheon-Sorbonne University, France. Using a multi-/interdisciplinary approach and informed by diverse disciplinary perspectives, his research stems from an interest in geography of tourism and, more particularly, critical tourism geographies, impacts of tourism, tourist behaviour, resilience, sustainability and politics of tourism and peace through tourism. Guided by generational and lifestyle theories, his recent research focus on political and ethical consumerism, boycotts and buycotts with a special focus on Gen Z cohort.

    His research is informed theoretically by critical theories and draws on diverse repertoire of qualitative methodologies and sociological/ethnographic research. He has co-authored Tourism, Sanctions and Boycotts (2020, Routledge), Tourism and Geopolitics: Discourses, practices and key issues (2021, Channel View Publications) and co-edited Cultural and Heritage Tourism in the Middle East and North Africa (2020, Routledge), Gen Z, Tourism, and Sustainable Consumption (2023, Routledge), Contemporary Muslim Travel Cultures (2022, Routledge) and Tourism in Iran: Challenges, Development, and Issues (2018, Routledge). Siamak has published in leading tourism journals and serves on the editorial boards of several Journals including Annals of Tourism Research, Tourism Planning & Development, Journal of Heritage Tourism, and International Journal of Tourism Cities among others.

  • Professor
    Marianna Sigala Board of Director

    Marianna Sigala is Professor of Marketing and the Director of the International Hotel School at University of Newcastle, Australia. Professor Sigala has followed an international academic career. She previously hold the position of the Professor of Tourism and the Director of the Centre for Tourism & Leisure Management at the University of South Australia (2015 – 2021). She has also been an academic staff at the University of Strathclyde, Westminster University (UK), and Sheffield Hallam University (UK, Professor of Digital Transformation & Tourism), as well as at the University of the Aegean and the University of Piraeus (Professor of Marketing, Greece). Her academic credentials are combined with her professional experience in the tourism industry. Her interests include services and experience management, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in tourism and hospitality, as well as wine tourism. She is a widely published and multi-awarded authority: nine books, numerous papers in academic journals, and (keynote) presentations in international conferences. She has a long record of leadership and participation in international research projects funded by various entities such as the E.U., the Council of Europe and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia. She is a past President of EuroCHRIE and a past member of the executive board of ICHRIE and IFITT. She currently serves at the executive board of CAUTHE. She is the co-editor of the Journal of Service Theory & Practice, and the Editor-In-Chief of the Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Management. In 2016, she has been awarded the prestigious EuroCHRIE Presidents’ Award for her lifetime contributions and achievements to tourism and hospitality education. Since 2020, Professor Sigala is also appointed as Research Fellow of CAUTHE.

  • Professor
    Kevin So Board of Director
    • Other Professional Role

      Purdue University

    • Regions

      United States

    • Major

      Consumer engagement

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    Dr. Kevin Kam Fung So is internationally recognized as a rising thought-leader in hospitality and tourism management. His research expertise lies in services marketing, with strong emphases on human factors in service innovations, customer engagement, digital marketing, the sharing economy, and human-AI interactions. He has published more than 100 scientific publications, 70 of which have appeared in the discipline’s internationally acclaimed A or A+ journals. Prior to joining Purdue University, Dr. So served as William S. Spears Chair in Business, Professor, and Ph.D. Program Coordinator with the School of Hospitality and Tourism Management at Oklahoma State University.

    Dr. So has received numerous research awards, including the Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research Article of the Year Award, the Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing Martin Oppermann Best Article of the Year Award, and the William Bradford Wiley Memorial Best Research Paper of the Year Award. In 2022, his 2014 Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research article was named the no. 1 most highly cited among 748 articles published in the journal in the past decade. In 2019, Dr. So was named a Breakthrough Star of the University of South Carolina. Three years in a row (2022, 2023, and 2024), he received The Richard W. Poole Research Excellence Award from Oklahoma State University. Dr. So is one of few scholars in his discipline to have been named on the list of Highly Cited Researchers from Clarivate™ consecutively for 2021, 2022, and 2023. He has been recognized by Stanford University as among The World’s Top 2% of scientists. Many of his publications have been ranked among the most highly cited and most frequently downloaded articles in top-tier hospitality and tourism management journals.

    Dr. So serves as a Coordinating Editor of International Journal of Hospitality Management and Associate Editor of Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management. He sits on the editorial board of 12 leading academic journals in his field and serves as a reviewer for 13 other journals. He has chaired or served on the dissertation committees of 19 Ph.D. students. Dr. So’s work on using tourism as catalyst for economic development has been funded by state and federal funding agencies including the United States Department of Commerce, the United States Department of Agriculture, and the American Hotel and Lodging Association, as well as peer institutions in the United States, Australia, and Hong Kong.

  • Professor
    Joaquim Dias Soeiro Board of Director
    • Other Professional Role

      Sunway University

    • Regions


    • Major

      Sustainability in Hospitality and Tourism

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    Associate Professor Dr Joaquim Dias Soeiro has two decades of academic experience in France and Malaysia. Throughout his career he held diverse positions and has developed skills in case studies, interactive and experiential learning, and specialised in hospitality management, beverage studies, and oenology. Highly involved in hospitality and tourism education, he has also conducted wine-related trainings and workshops across Malaysia delivering the Wine & Spirits Education Trust (WSET) programme since 2008. He also possesses certifications in Train The Trainer (TTT), Certified in Hotel Industry Analytics (CHIA), and Certified Hospitality Educator (CHE) by the American Hospitality Lodging and Education Institute. His areas of research include talent development and capabilities attainment within hospitality and tourism education. He is also well-versed in curriculum mapping, programme development, outcome-based education (OBE), and experiential learning.

  • Professor
    Craig Webster Board of Director
    • Other Professional Role

      Ball State University / Zangador Research Institute, Varna, Bulgaria

    • Regions

      United States

    • Major

      Advanced technology for hospitality and tourism

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