Other Professional Role
Kyung Hee University
AI for sustainable space tourism
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2024.6.1- As a Principal Investigator (PI), on “Risk and commercial human presence in space: Focusing on space tourism” by National Research Foundation of Korea, Grant total over 813,000,000 Korean Won (equivalent to more than half a million USD), including indirect expenses for 3 years (NRFK NO.: 2024S1A5C3A02042730). https://www.nrf.re.kr/biz/info/info/view?menu_no=378&biz_no=590
Myung Ja Kim, Ph.D. is Founding Director of AirStas; Distinguished Professor, Sejong University; Professor, Prince of Songkla University; Visiting Professor, Hanyang University; and Fellow Professor, Kyung Hee University. Her research focuses on digitalization, sustainability, space tourism, climate crisis, and data analytics/AI. Her papers have been selected as the most downloaded, read, and cited articles by top journals. She has published more than 85 articles in SSCI journals and has recently been awarded several research grants for sustainable tourism technologies. She has served as an associate editor of Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management and editorial board member for over 10 internationally reputed journals.
Other Professional Role
Kyung Hee University
Space industry
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Ohbyung Kwon, Ph.D. is Kyung Hee Fellow Professor in School of Management at Kyung Hee University. His research focuses on space business, spacetech consulting, and AI for space tourism. His papers have been selected as the most downloaded, read, and cited articles by Psychology&Marketing (2023). He has published over 200 articles in SSCI journals and is now life-long HCR 2% scholar. He has served as an chief editor of Asia Pacific Journal of Business Review.
Other Professional Role
Kyung Hee University
Space Biomedicine
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Man Seok Kim is an Assistant Professor at Kyung Hee University College of Medicine, and leading a research group at the Translational-Transdisciplinary Research Center in Kyung Hee University Hospital at Gangdong. While serving as a principal investigator on several awarded national research grants, he is currently involved in more than twenty ongoing projects collaborating with biologists and physician-scientists in South Korea. Externally, He is actively involved in NASA GeneLab’s Multi-Omics Analysis Working Group (https://awg.osdr.space) and COV-IRT collaboration (https://www.cov-irt.org), while also collaborating with esteemed research groups at Weill Cornell Medicine, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Penn School of Medicine, Pitt School of Medicine, and Yale School of Medicine.
Other Professional Role
Kyung Hee University
Astronomy; Space Science; Optics
External Link
2023.01.01 - As a Principal Investigator (PI), on “Development of Active Mode Matching Telescope for EPR-SIPS" by Korea Astronomy and Space Science, Grant total of 245,000,000 Korean Won (KASI Project No. 2024-1-810-02).
Soojong Pak is a professor at the Department of Astronomy and Space Science at Kyung Hee University. He has contributed to numerous astronomical instrumentation and observation projects throughout his career. Presently, his research is focused on several key areas, including the development of instrument control software such as IGRINS, GMTNIRS, GMACS and SDSS-V/LVM. Additionally, he is involved in the design and construction of optical modules for space satellites like MATS and other spacecraft missions.
Other Professional Role
Hanyang University
Digitalized tourism
External Link
Professor Hakseung Shin served as an assistant professor at the University of Surrey from 2020 to 2021. Since 2021, he has been working in the School of Tourism at Hanyang University and has been serving as the department head since 2023. He has published 25 SSCI papers since 2020, with most of them appearing in top-tier tourism journals. Professor Shin was selected for the National Research Foundation of Korea's collaborative research project as the principal investigator, securing about 240,000 USD (300 million KRW) in funding until 2027. In 2023, he became the first assistant professor at Hanyang University to be simultaneously designated as both an Outstanding Young Researcher and the Best Researcher. Professor Shin also serves as an editorial board member for the Journal of Travel Research. Professor Shin has been selected as one of the top 2% of researchers globally based on research performance data from Elsevier for 2023.
Other Professional Role
Sejong University
Sustainable digital marketing
External Link
Yong-Ki Lee is a professor of marketing and ESG management at Sejong University, South Korea. He has published lots of research articles in leading journals such as Journal of Business Research,Cities, Transport Policy, Travel Business & Society, Transport Policy, Sustainable Development, Asian Journal of Social Psychology, Asia Pacific Journal of Markeing & Logistics, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, and Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research. His research focuses on sutainable consumption and behaviors, ESG management, leadership, and climate change adoption and mitigation.
Other Professional Role
Kyung Hee University
Smart tourism
External Link
2023.9.1- As a Principal Investigator (PI), "New Challenges and Opportunities for Smart Tourism in the Digital-First Era", by National Research Foundation of Korea, Grant total over 329.186,000 Korean Won for 6 years (Total 1,975,116,000 Won) (NRF-2023S1A5C2A03095253).
Namho Chung is a Dean of College of Hotel & Toursim Management, Fellow Professor of Smart Tourism Education Platform and the Director of Smart Tourism Research Center at Kyung Hee University in Seoul, Republic of Korea. He had received his Ph.D. degree in Management Information Systems from Sungkyunkwan University in Seoul. Also he had been a Visiting Research Fellow at School of Hospitality and Tourism Management, University of Surrey in Guildford, UK. His research interests lie in the tourist behaviour & information systems, human-computer interface design and knowledge management. Currently, he leads BK21 Four and smart tourism research projects in the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea and the National Research Foundation of Korea over 10 Years. His name listed in the Hall of Fame at Kyung Hee University for his outstanding achievements.
Other Professional Role
Sejong University
Space tourism
External Link
Heesup Han is a Daeyang Distinguished Professor in the College of Hospitality and Tourism Management at Sejong University, Korea. His research interests include sustainable tourism, green hotel, cruise, airline, medical tourism, digital currency, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and hospitality and tourism marketing. Heesup Han is a 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 highly cited researcher (HCR) of the world in social science (identified by the Web of Science Group - Clarivate).
Other Professional Role
Kyung Hee University
AI robotics
Sung-Eun Kang, Ph.D is a research professor in Smart Tourism Research Center at Kyung Hee University, Seoul, South Korea. His research interests include Hyperloop management, destination marketing, and space tourism development. His research work has been published in journals such as International Journal of Hospitality Management, Journal of Travel Research, International Journal of Tourism Research, Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, Current Issues in Tourism, and Journal of Air Transport Management.
Other Professional Role
Hanyang University
Sharing economy; Autonomous vehicles
Ho-Young Lee holds a Master’s degree in Retailing and Tourism Management from the University of Kentucky and a Ph.D. in Hospitality, Tourism, and Retail Management from Texas Tech University. With over three years of experience as a travel consultant and travel product planning consultant, he has developed a deep understanding of the travel industry. His research interests focus on transformative elements in tourism, exploring the impacts of emerging trends and technologies on tourists and the industry. These include the influence of the sharing economy, the effects of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) initiatives, and the role of cutting-edge technologies such as AI, VR, and autonomous driving. His research also extends to the exciting potential of space tourism.
Other Professional Role
Kyung Hee University
Tourism geography
Dr. Hyo Dan CHO is a Research Professor at the College of Hotel & Tourism Management of Kyung Hee University, Korea. She received her PhD from the University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, France. Her research interests include tourism discourses of self, other and place and interdisciplinary aspects of tourism
Other Professional Role
Kyung Hee University
Bigdata analytics/GeoAI
External Link
Changkyu Lee is a Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of Geography at Kyung Hee University in Seoul, Korea. His research focuses on geography, sustainability, climate change, tourism, big data, networks, and VGI generated by social media. He has presented at international conferences on the topic of disasters or tourism using GIS and is involved in R&D projects.
Other Professional Role
Kyung Hee University
Chanho Chung is a Ph.D. candidate in the Smart Tourism Education Platform at Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Republic of Korea. His research interests are smart tourism, information technology in tourism, and technology resistance management. He participated in Smart Tourism projects at the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea and the National Research Foundation of Korea. He is currently serving as a visiting scholar at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong. His research work has been published in journals such as Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, and Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Technology.
Other Professional Role
Kyung Hee University
Tourism economic/Advanced technology
Yunkyoung Jo is Ph.D. Candidate in Smart Tourism Education Platform (STEP) at Kyung Hee University in Seoul, Korea. Her research focuses on tourism economics, entrepreneurship, management, environment, SDGs and ODA. She is conducting research using quantitative economic models. She has published an SSCI paper and is involved in several funded projects from Korea government.
Other Professional Role
Kyung Hee University
Business events/Destination Marketing
Sylvia Choi, a Ph.D. candidate, is researching in the Smart Tourism Education Platform (STEP) at Kyung Hee University in Seoul, Korea. Her research interests include tourism, destination marketing, local branding, business event and sustainability. She has recently published a paper in SCI/SSCI indexed journals and several in KCI indexed journals and is seeing great results.
Other Professional Role
Kyung Hee University
Kyunghwa Hwang is a Ph.D. student major in Big Data Applications at Kyung Hee University, Korea. And also working at the Research Center for Advanced Information Technology (CAITech). Her research interests include space business, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, generative AI, and Large Language Model (LLM).
Other Professional Role
Kyung Hee University
Space medicine
Ye-Ah Kim is a graduate student in the Department of Biomedical Science and Technology at Kyung Hee University. She studied veterinary medicine at Kyungpook National University and passed the Veterinary Medicine National Examination. She, then, studied MSc. Applied Statistics and Datamining at University of St. Andrews, and earned master's degree. She has participated in multiple projects applying multi-omics and bioinformatics. Her research interest in space biomedicine is the impact of space weather and enviroment on human energy metabolism and cellular stress response.
Other Professional Role
Kyung Hee University
Space medicine
Kisung Sheen is a graduate student in the Department of Biomedical Science and Technology at Kyung Hee University. He studied Economics and Life Science at Handong Global University. After graduating, he interned at the National Biotech Policy Research Center at the Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology (KRIBB). He later earned a master’s degree in Biological Sciences from Sungkyunkwan University, where he studied the molecular mechanisms regulating dendritic cell development. He is especially interested in how spaceflight impacts the human immune system and blood cell production (hematopoiesis).
Other Professional Role
Hanyang University
Yujeong Jo is a doctoral student at the Graduate School of Tourism Department of the Hanyang University. Her research concentrates on tourism technology infusion and sustainable tourism development.
Other Professional Role
Kyung Hee University
Sustainable space tourism
Sinhee Han is a Ph.D. student in Smart Tourism Research Center at Kyung Hee University, Seoul, South Korea and conducting research as a researcher at AirStas, a space tourism research institute. His research interests include sustainable tourism, space tourism, fair tourism, and barrier-free tourism.
Other Professional Role
Kyung Hee University
External Link
Daeil Kim is a Ph.D. Student in the School of Space Research at Kyung Hee University in Yongin, Korea. His research focuses on space weather and deep learning. His recent studies include analyzing the relationship between solar cycle activity and space weather scale frequencies.
Other Professional Role
Kyung Hee University
Bigdata analytics/spatiotemporal geography
External Link
Subin Kim is a master's student in the Department of Geography at Kyung Hee University in Seoul, Korea. Her research focuses on geography, sustainability, disasters and catastrophes, climate change, tourism, big data, and road networks. She has presented at international conferences on disasters and tourism using GIS and is involved in R&D projects.
Other Professional Role
Kyung Hee University
AI and big data analytics
Hyeona Jo is master student in the Smart Tourism Education Platform (STEP) at Kyung Hee University in Seoul, Korea. She is interested in tourism development, tourism economics, sustainability, and big data and is conducting tourism research using quantitative data.
Other Professional Role
External Link
Y.D.Park is the president of Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute(KASI) from April 9, 2021.
He constructed Solar Flare Telescope(SOFT) in 1994 at Bohyunsan Optical Astronomical Observatory which was possible to observe four different channel(white light, H-alpha, VMG and LMG) simultaneously by using the Lyot filter system. It was the start of observational research in Korean Solar Physics Fields.
Other Professional Role
Staco co., Ltd.
External Link
A young graduate fresh out of the Department of Mechanical Engineering believed that robotics would become the cornerstone of future industries and joined a robotics development company. Over the course of 20 years as a robotics development engineer, he successfully completed projects across diverse fields, including bridge inspection robot systems, automated protein cultivation equipment, and semiconductor wafer-handling robots. The process of learning new fields and applying them to work became a way of life. In 2017, he joined Stargo and boldly ventured into the 3D printing industry. Under his leadership, the research team succeeded in producing components for space exploration within just three years of entering the 3D printing sector. His contributions to industrial development have been recognized with Ministerial Awards from the Ministry of Science and ICT and the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy.
Other Professional Role
케이티(KT co., Ltd.)
Meejung Hong is an Assist Vice President (AVP) and a professional advisor at KT. She is also a Ph.D. student majoring in ESG management at Sejong University, South Korea. She has worked at KT’s R&D Center for about 30 years, focusing on ICT digital service systems and AI-driven business service systems. She played a key role in launching AI-based solutions, including an AI education system, a shop-serving robot platform(RaaS: Robot as a Service), and the Giga Genie Hotel service, using AI speaker device for hotels. Her research interests include AI-based business transformation(Biz AX), immersive digital marketing, big data analysis, AI-integrated service UX, AI service platforms, and ESG.